Welcome to Midsummer!

Welcome to the Faewild

Once you leave the mortal world, it's terribly easy to get lost. Consider this your map.
Guidelines and Lore
Once you leave the mortal world, it's terribly easy to get lost. Consider this your map.
Rules and Guidelines (Nov 3, 2023 1:25:17 GMT)
3 threads
14 posts
Ideally, these would be made with heralds and trumpets. We post ours here.
Announcements and updates
Ideally, these would be made with heralds and trumpets. We post ours here.
(IC) Year 1 Updates (Sept 3, 2024 16:52:46 GMT)
6 threads
45 posts
And many other things that rhyme with -tions.
Questions and Suggestions
And many other things that rhyme with -tions.
Suggestions (Sept 2, 2023 15:22:48 GMT)
1 thread
1 post

Character Creation

Begin your adventure here. Where it leads may surprise you...
Begin your adventure here. Where it leads may surprise you...
Sapphira Sokolov (revamp) (Sept 6, 2024 17:12:39 GMT)
40 threads
87 posts
Claim what's yours...before the fae do.
Registries and Claims
Claim what's yours...before the fae do.
True Name Registries (May 8, 2024 22:35:36 GMT)
6 threads
31 posts

Character Development

This is the place to make your plots (and schemes).
This is the place to make your plots (and schemes).
flower garden {seajem's plotter} (Mar 26, 2024 1:08:42 GMT)
5 threads
18 posts
Trackers, bios, whoozits, whatsits, and most importantly, thingamabobs.
Bits and Bobs
Trackers, bios, whoozits, whatsits, and most importantly, thingamabobs.
water garden {seajem's tracker} (Mar 27, 2024 0:34:39 GMT)
3 threads
18 posts
Fulfill your dream of being a medieval beggar, shaking your battered hat at passerby. "Spare plots, please? Spare plots?"
Wanted Ads
Fulfill your dream of being a medieval beggar, shaking your battered hat at passerby. "Spare plots, please? Spare plots?"
Mars (Sapphira Apprentice) (Sept 2, 2024 20:06:57 GMT)
4 threads
4 posts


The Undersea is easily provoked. Will the new mortal Queen be able to smooth these tensions over? At such an event as this, much can go wrong.
The Garden Party
The Undersea is easily provoked. Will the new mortal Queen be able to smooth these tensions over? At such an event as this, much can go wrong.
angel of small death [jin-hwa] (Sept 7, 2024 19:15:25 GMT)
5 threads
34 posts

High Court

With extra rooms to fit all that hubris. And a surplus of heirs.
The Palace
With extra rooms to fit all that hubris. And a surplus of heirs.
Sinking (Guinivere) (Sept 3, 2024 3:00:41 GMT)
16 threads
117 posts
An excellent place for promenades, or secret trysts in the garden.
The Courtyards
An excellent place for promenades, or secret trysts in the garden.
visions i vandalize [jin-hwa] (Jul 27, 2024 3:28:25 GMT)
4 threads
44 posts

Iris Academy

Technically, places of learning. The amount of learning being done is questionable.
The Classrooms
Technically, places of learning. The amount of learning being done is questionable.
Running from the Daylight {Annalise} (Jul 27, 2024 3:39:38 GMT)
3 threads
15 posts
The perfect place to taunt your rival, flirt with your crush, or disguise your flirting as taunting. Very believable.
The Hallways
The perfect place to taunt your rival, flirt with your crush, or disguise your flirting as taunting. Very believable.
can't carry this (Sutton) (Jun 21, 2024 17:07:49 GMT)
4 threads
19 posts
These rooms are for sleeping—and only sleeping, please. The walls are thin.
The Dormitories
These rooms are for sleeping—and only sleeping, please. The walls are thin.
Flawless {Suki} (Sept 7, 2024 2:39:01 GMT)
3 threads
31 posts
No perfectly manicured grass here—these lawns are overrun with twisting paths, ivy, and wildflowers, but in an obnoxiously perfect way.
The Lawns
No perfectly manicured grass here—these lawns are overrun with twisting paths, ivy, and wildflowers, but in an obnoxiously perfect way.
the most dangerous thing [bran] (Jul 4, 2024 20:58:28 GMT)
3 threads
12 posts
An excellent place to set your sword beneath your beautiful enemy's chin and tilt their head back, only to see them smirk as the sun catches their eyes in a way you've never seen before...what was I saying?
The Sparring Field
An excellent place to set your sword beneath your beautiful enemy's chin and tilt their head back, only to see them smirk as the sun catches their eyes in a way you've never seen before...what was I saying?
lives unled (analise) (Jun 23, 2024 1:32:21 GMT)
2 threads
14 posts

The Cardinal Courts

The Winter Court. Stone and stillness, resilient and reliable. Well. As much as the fae ever are.
North Court
The Winter Court. Stone and stillness, resilient and reliable. Well. As much as the fae ever are.
ghost {bran} (Sept 1, 2024 23:39:43 GMT)
9 threads
42 posts
The Summer Court. Cloying sweetness, honey and midnight sun. Maybe too much of a good thing.
South Court
The Summer Court. Cloying sweetness, honey and midnight sun. Maybe too much of a good thing.
act like i'm the best (calanthe) (Apr 19, 2024 14:27:15 GMT)
4 threads
30 posts
The Spring Court. The court of dazzle and illusions—beware, or you'll by charmed by more than their charisma.
East Court
The Spring Court. The court of dazzle and illusions—beware, or you'll by charmed by more than their charisma.
impression {nikolai} (Sept 2, 2024 21:14:01 GMT)
6 threads
91 posts
The Autumn Court. The court of warnings and waning, the end of things and the transition between. Don't expect anything here to be the same twice.
West Court
The Autumn Court. The court of warnings and waning, the end of things and the transition between. Don't expect anything here to be the same twice.
west winds {stones} (Jul 26, 2024 3:02:52 GMT)
4 threads
26 posts

The Undersea

A pearl-encrusted palace, hidden somewhere below the waves. Some say the Undersea fae are full of themselves; they reply that everyone is just jealous.
Palace of the Undersea
A pearl-encrusted palace, hidden somewhere below the waves. Some say the Undersea fae are full of themselves; they reply that everyone is just jealous.
old letters {hai} (Sept 2, 2024 20:27:07 GMT)
1 thread
7 posts
As one might've guessed, it is a city, which has quite definitively sunk. Some say it was never on land to begin with.
The Sunken City
As one might've guessed, it is a city, which has quite definitively sunk. Some say it was never on land to begin with.
no posts were found
0 threads
0 posts

The Mortal World

And the occasional snail mail.
Texts and Emails
And the occasional snail mail.
no posts were found
0 threads
0 posts
Mortal homes are *so* not aesthetic. But someone has to live there.
Mortal homes are *so* not aesthetic. But someone has to live there.
no posts were found
0 threads
0 posts
If it's not a residence, it'll be here.
Everywhere Else
If it's not a residence, it'll be here.
Into the Unknown (Sept 28, 2023 2:06:17 GMT)
1 thread
3 posts


Write your characters in a coffee shop, or a universe where everyone's last name is Zorp.
Alternate Timelines
Write your characters in a coffee shop, or a universe where everyone's last name is Zorp.
what i want (sutton) (random threads) (Jun 21, 2024 17:17:45 GMT)
1 thread
10 posts
This is the place for your characters' traumatic childhood memories and those site plots that you missed.
The Past
This is the place for your characters' traumatic childhood memories and those site plots that you missed.
dancing is a dangerous game {silas} (Feb 10, 2024 1:17:46 GMT)
2 threads
14 posts
Peer into a magic crystal. Look to the stars. What happens here is as much an omen as anything.
The Future
Peer into a magic crystal. Look to the stars. What happens here is as much an omen as anything.
rosepetals {nikolai} (Feb 9, 2024 0:13:41 GMT)
1 thread
7 posts
Is inspiration consuming you? Burning you alive? You should probably get that checked out, or just write it here.
Rapid Fire Posting
Is inspiration consuming you? Burning you alive? You should probably get that checked out, or just write it here.
no posts were found
0 threads
0 posts
Do two of your characters want to fight? Or kiss? Or a secret third thing? Write that here.
RP With Yourself
Do two of your characters want to fight? Or kiss? Or a secret third thing? Write that here.
no posts were found
0 threads
0 posts
Threads that have gone on to a better place.
The Archives
Threads that have gone on to a better place.
The Hunt (South, Beast #4) (May 1, 2024 12:02:28 GMT)
14 threads
233 posts

Out of Character

This is the place for writing that's either not Midsummer, not canon, or just never fit into a thread. No scribes or quills here, but still a fancy way to show off your work
This is the place for writing that's either not Midsummer, not canon, or just never fit into a thread. No scribes or quills here, but still a fancy way to show off your work
meet me at midnight {seajem's folder} (Jan 19, 2024 0:46:24 GMT)
1 thread
1 post
Post here and tell us how cool your site is.
236 threads
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angel of small death [jin-hwa] (Sept 7, 2024 19:15:25 GMT)
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